End of each month |
- Payment of tax deducted from employees’ salaries (PAYE) during the previous month.
- Payment of defence contribution (SDC) and GHS withheld from dividends, interest, or rents payments (when the tenant is a company, partnership, the state or local authority), paid to Cyprus tax residents in the previous month.
- Payment of tax withheld on payments made to non-tax residents during the previous month.
- Electronic submission of declaration of actual dividend distribution (TD603), if dividend was declared in the previous month.
31st January |
- Electronic submission of declaration of deemed dividend distribution (TD623) for the Year 2020.
31st March |
- Electronic submission of the 2021 corporation tax return (TD4).
- Electronic submission of the 2021 income tax return of individuals preparing audited financial statements (TD1).
31st May |
- Electronic submission of employer’s return (TD7) for salaries paid in previous year.
30th June |
- Payment of special defence contribution (SDC) and GHS for the first half of current year on rents (where this was not withheld at source).
- Payment of special defence contribution (SDC) and GHS for the first half of current year on dividends and interest originating outside Cyprus.
- Payment of Annual Levy €350 for 2023 to the registrar of Companies
31st July |
- Submission of current year provisional tax estimation and payment of the first instalment.
- Submission of previous year personal income tax returns and payment of related tax for employees and pensioners (non-trading) individuals who do not prepare audited financial statements.
- Submission of previous year personal income tax returns and payment of related tax for trading individuals who do not prepare audited financial statements.
1st August |
- Payment by companies of previous year final corporation tax using the self-assessment method.
- Payment of previous year personal income tax using the self-assessment method for self-employed individuals having audited financial statements.
31st December |
- Payment of second instalment of current year provisional tax.
- Submission of revised current year provisional tax estimation.
- Payment of special defence contribution (SDC) and GHS for the second half of current year on rents (where this was not withheld at source).
- Payment of special defence contribution (SDC) and GHS for the second half of current year on dividends and interest originating outside Cyprus.